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Return Gifts for Betrothal (女方回礼/儿媳妇见面礼)

Return Gifts for Betrothal

The bride's family will return half of the betrothal gifts received from groom's family during the Guo Da Li, this possession shows that the bride's family appreciated plenty of gifts from bridegroom's family and they are willing to share the joy to symbolise the unity of one family.

On top of returning half of the gifts sent by bridegroom's family, bride's family will prepare a special gift (见面礼) for the bridegroom's parent to show their respect and sincerity. Item such as dinning set, mug set and face towels will be included. The bride's family will also buy some token gifts such as towels for the family members. This shows they look forward for a good relationships between the two families. 

It was customary for the bride's family to distribute the bridal cakes and candies they received from the groom's family to friends and relatives as a form of announcement and invitation to the wedding feast.

Essential Items listing for Return Gifts (回礼/见面礼):

Face Towel Set 家翁家婆面巾

Dining Set 家翁家婆对碗

Mug Set 家翁家婆对杯

Mini 5 Element Seeds 五谷

Charcoal 旺炭

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